Attorney Fees for Social Security Disability Lawyers

By Kimberly BishopJuly 3, 2013


If you have been denied by the Social Security Administration for your disability case, you may be considering hiring an Social Security Disability Lawyer. How much are attorney fees for Social Security Disability Lawyers and do you have to pay any money up front?

Your attorney will be paid only if you win. My fee will come out of your back pay. If you lose or there is no back pay in your case, you do not have to pay me anything. The maximum fee that I  will be paid (this does not apply if your case has to go to federal court, look here for more information on the disability process) is 25% up to a maximum of $7,200 (2023). So, you would have to receive $28,800 in back pay for me to receive the maximum fee of $7,200.

In addition to paying the attorney fee, I  require clients to reimburse the firm for obtaining their medical records.  At my firm, we try very hard to keep client's costs as low as possible, but if you have extensive medical records it will cost more to request them.

You may be wondering if hiring an attorney is worth the expense. In my experience (I do admit I am a SSDI attorney), the answer is a resounding YES. The outcome of your disability case will affect your life for years to come.

Attorney Fees for Social Security Disability Lawyers are paid only if you win your case and receive back pay. The Bishop Law Firm wants to help you and has every incentive to do so!


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