Do I need a lawyer to get SSI in North Carolina?

need a SSI Lawyer in Cary NC
By Kimberly BishopMarch 26, 2013

In NC, when you apply for SSI (Supplemental Security Income) benefits your case is sent to DDS for evaluation. DDS stands for Disability Determination Services. At DDS your case will be reviewed by an examiner who may have a large number of other cases to review. At the initial level, you have a 70% chance of being denied. At the reconsideration level you have an even greater chance of being denied (close to 90%).

Having a Social Security Disability lawyer on your side to help with your case ensures that someone other than the DDS examiner looks at your case. At the Bishop Law Firm, we have dealt extensively with DDS. We will communicate directly with your examiner to see what is needed to make your case go smoothly as possible. While no one can guarantee an approval from DDS (especially with a 70-80% denial record), regular communication with your examiner seems to prompt them to look at your case thoroughly. We can help you with your SSI case in NC. Call the Bishop Law Firm Today!



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