Can you recover for Lost Wages and Earning Capacity in NC Car Accident Cases? If you have sustained injuries in an automobile accident that was not your fault, and you have missed time from work because of your injuries, please continue reading to find out how The Bishop Law Firm can assist you.
NC is a contributory negligence state which means that if you are even 1% at fault for your car accident, you can not recover your loss. If the accident was not your fault, you can recover the costs of your doctor bills, lost wages and be compensated for your pain and suffering. Punitive damages are rarely awarded. In order for you to recover from NC Personal Injury Litigation, you must file your case in court before the statute of limitations runs out.
What is a Lost Wage Claim?
A lost wage claim is a claim that a motor vehicle accident victim can assert against an at-fault driver for losing time from work because of his or her injuries. In order to seek recovery for a lost wage claim, an injured accident victim has to have documentation of the actual days he or she has missed from work due their injuries. Lost wage documentation must be verified by the injured accident victim’s employer. The employer should provide payroll records stating how many days the accident victim missed from work and the injured accident victim’s rate of pay.
What is Lost Earning Capacity?
In some cases, NC injured accident victims may be a self-employed business owners. It is important to note that most liability insurance companies will not accept lost wage information prepared by a self-employed injured accident victim. In these cases, the self-employed accident victim will need to provide copies of his/her income tax returns for a specified period of time, usually 2 to 3 years prior to the accident. If you have suffered severe or catastrophic injuries from a motor vehicle accident that has affected your ability to work, then you may need to consult a professional to calculate your loss of income.
Lost Wages and Earning Capacity in NC Car Accident Cases
It is important to note that if you miss a substantial time from work because of your accident-related injuries, such as more than 2 or 3 days, then make sure a medical provider has specifically written you out of work. It is extremely difficult to substantiate a lost wage or earning capacity claim when there is no medical evidence to support an enormous amount of time missed from work. The same rationale goes for trying to prove lost wages without any supporting documentation from an employer or regarding income verification.
Consulting with a NC Auto Accident Injury Lawyer will help you determine if you are eligible for Lost Wages and Earning Capacity in NC Car Accident Cases. We represent car accident victims in Raleigh, Cary, Fayetteville, Durham, Rocky Mount, Wilson, Smithfield, Louisburg, Chapel Hill, Roanoke Rapids and surrounding areas in North Carolina. Give us a call today, (919) 615-3095.
Also read NC Car Accident Injuries and Settlements