SSA Work History Form SSA-3369

SSA Work History Form SSA-3369
By Kimberly BishopMarch 27, 2013

When you file for Social Security Disability Benefits, one of the forms you will have to complete is a Social Security Work History Form (Form SSA-3369). This form helps your DDS examiner know where you have worked in the past.

This form is very important because it lets the Social Security Administration know what kind of work you have done in the past. There are various classifications that the Social Security Administration uses to classify your past work: sedentary, light, medium and heavy. Also skill level is evaluated as: skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled. The work you have done in the past has a strong connection to what other jobs you may or may not be able to do in the future.

Be sure that you include correct information when you fill out this form. This form helps the Social Security Administration process your claim quickly. Your DDS examiner is not the only person who will see this form. Doctors at DDS or an Administrative Law Judge may end up viewing this document. At the Bishop Law Firm, we have helped clients complete many Social Security Work History Forms. We can surely help you with yours!

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