SSI Lawyer Durham North Carolina

need a SSI Lawyer in Cary NC
By Kimberly BishopJanuary 15, 2015

If you are looking for an SSI Lawyer for Durham, North Carolina, The Bishop Law Firm can help! We are located in Raleigh, NC but if you live in Durham, your case will be processed by the Raleigh DDS (Disability Determination Services) and Raleigh SSA OHO (Office of Hearing Operations).

In addition to SSI (Supplemental Security Income), you may also be eligible for SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) if you have enough work credits. SSI is a income based program available to those who are found disabled but do not have enough credits for SSDI. (SSI vs. SSDI)

The first step is to call us for your free case evaluation at 919-615-3095. We will send you some information to get you started. If you have not already filed for SSI, call the Durham Social Security Office and set up an appointment to file. The office in Durham, North Carolina is located at 3004 Tower Boulevard. Their phone number is 1-888-759-3908. You will need this information to file.

Unfortunately, many people receive denials at the first two levels, initial and reconsideration. If you have already filed and received a denial from Social Security, let us know the date of your last denial so we  can appeal within 60 days. Also, tell us if this is your first or second denial. If you have been denied twice, we will have to request a hearing for your case.

The Social Security Disability Process can be tough and it helps to have an experienced attorney on your side. The Bishop Law Firm can help if you need a SSI Lawyer for Durham, North Carolina. Give us a call today for your free case evaluation!




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