This post gives tips to avoid NC dog attacks and bites. We hope that you never encounter a dangerous animal, but if you do the below tips may help you to avoid injury.
While dogs are considered man's best friend and can bring extreme joy to their owners, they can be territorial and protective to the point of violence. The same thing is true of the human animal as well. If someone comes up to you without greeting you and tries to touch you, how would you feel? That being said, some dogs are trained to be violent and aggressive by their owner for the owner's protection.
In addition, some breeds are known to be more aggressive. Pit Bull Terriers, Staffordshire Terriers, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Presa Canarios, Chows Chows, Doberman Pinschers, Akitas, Wolf-hybrids, Mastiffs, Cane Corsos, Great Danes, Alaskan Malamutes, and Siberian Huskies seem to find themselves recurrently on the uninsurable lists of home owner's insurance policies. But, simply because a dog is on this list does not mean that they are aggressive. Unfortunately, many small breeds, like Chihuahuas, can be extremely aggressive.
How can you deal with an aggressive dog?
According to the CDC, here are some steps to try:
- If the owner is around, address them in a friendly manner. Dogs can sense fear from and aggression towards their owner and this can trigger them to bark, growl and even bite.
- Do not approach a dog that you do not know. Please remember that no matter how friendly a dog may seem, you are a stranger to them. Think stranger danger.
- If a unfamiliar dog approaches you, remain motionless and avoid eye contact. Do not run, panic or make loud noises.
- Partially turn away from the dog. Facing a dog head on can seem aggressive to them.
- Do not touch puppies. Moms can be very protective of their pups even with their owners, let alone strangers.
- Always ask the owner, if it is alright to touch their dog. If the owner gives permission, you must next ask permission from the dog if it is alright to touch them. You do this by allowing the animal to smell your scent.
Dog owners in NC also have duties to protect others from their dogs. Owners should not leave dogs unattended on their property unless the dog is confined. Dogs away from home should also be on a leash.
We hope that you can use these tips to avoid dog attacks and bites but if you are injured by a dog you can contact a NC Personal Injury Lawyer who can help you recover your losses. You can also read NC Dog Bite Personal Injury Lawyer.
We represent dog attack victims in Raleigh, Cary, Fayetteville, Durham, Rocky Mount, Wilson, Greensboro, Smithfield, Louisburg, Chapel Hill, Roanoke Rapids, Winston Salem, Greenville and surrounding areas in North Carolina. We do not get paid unless you win and we also offer free case reviews, 919-615-3095.