An SSA medical expert may be used at your Social Security Disability hearing. A medical expert is a doctor who is paid by the Social Security Administration to be present during your hearing, review your file and give their opinion about your impairments. This doctor will not examine you. This doctor may not be a specialist on your specific impairments but will be used to give an opinion nonetheless.
In my experience, SSA infrequently uses medical experts. If a medical expert is used, it is usually for a particularly complicated case. This doctor is comparable to the doctors who will review your case at DDS (Disability Determination Services) or the doctor who will examine you at a CE (consultative examination). This doctor is paid by the Social Security Administration for his/her opinion.
As always, the most important thing you can do for your case is get regular medical treatment from your treating doctors and specialists (if possible). An SSA medical expert may be used at your Social Security Disability hearing but this seldom happens. If an SSA medical expert is assigned to your case, just know that the Bishop Law Firm can help.